Learning football activity

Football is a sport I started playing in seventh grade. I used to play volleyball in school, but once it was removed as an option, I switched to football. I had always been interested in the sport but had just watched it, but after trying it out, I found that it brought me a great deal of joy, and I have been devoted to the sport ever since. I had an accident in 2021 that forced me to take a break from football, and I figured CAS might be the perfect opportunity to get back on the field and improve my skills.

LO1– Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Since I already understood a lot about the sport, it didn’t take long for me to get started, and it was simply a short amount of time until consistent practice paid off and my performance and degree of fitness began to improve.

LO2 -  Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

I faced many challenges during this process, the most significant among which was my challenge of enhancing my endurance, which had decreased over time as I had not done any physical activity for a while in order to ensure the recovery of my injury, as well as other skills such as dribbling and ball rhythm, which I needed to improve, but with perseverance, I was able to better it

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

As I was still recovering from a ligament tear, the training caused physical discomfort or body joint pain on numerous occasions, but I was committed to the process and would not give up, so regardless of how difficult it was and how many obstacles came my way, I demonstrated perseverance throughout and ensured that I did not quit and made the most of this experience.

With the help of this activity, I explored the learner profiles’ balance and reflectiveness.
Dedicating time and energy to a sport and being devoted to it necessitates a lot of balance; in terms of time management, having to handle school projects, submissions, and other extracurricular activities all at the same time helped me grasp how to spend my time efficiently. I was reflective in terms of understanding and identifying the areas that needed to be worked on in order to maximize learning, brainstorming new plans for how to move forward with the training, and reflecting on mistakes made by myself and others in the past to ensure a seamless transition from amateur towards becoming better with every passing day.


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