Volunteering at an organization ( Paridrishya )

I wanted to help individuals in my community who I noticed were in need of assistance. As a result, I decided to contribute and help an organization named Paridrishya who gives back to the society and to the helpers who work at our houses day and night. Perhaps it was my time to assist them in any way I could. Since people cannot always afford to buy new and attractive items, I decided to give the ones that I no longer use but are still in good condition. There are tiny children at their house that are younger than me and can use books and toys that are completely useless for me.I’m sure it will bring a few smiles and happy faces to their household.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.

Having witnessed and understanding the issues faced by the underprivileged on a daily basis as a result of a lack of the bare minimum resources, I wanted to continue working with the organization Paridhrishya, and be a part of something that gives back to the community, but the organization was run by a group of women who did this in their spare time, and me still being in school made it very difficult to participate in all donation drives as the timings did not match,however i was focused on being committed to this and thus i went to places where the distribution of collected resources occurred after school hours or weekend in order to play my role effectively. However, I was devoted to this, therefore I traveled to locations where the distribution of gathered resources took place after school hours or on weekends in order to play my role effectively.

LO6- Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

This service focuses light on the worldwide challenge of poverty eradication, as well as sustainable consumption and production. SDG 1 seeks to eradicate poverty in all of its manifestations worldwide. Its goals include ensuring that everyone, especially the poorest and most vulnerable, has equitable access to economic resources, basic services, property and land control, natural resources, and innovative technology. I cannot control sustainable production, but I can help make it more sustainable by donating resources I no longer use that are in good condition, such as toys I am too old for or clothes that no longer fit me. By doing so, one not only increases the product’s life cycle and allows it to be reused, but it also helps the environment.

LO7- Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

All residents of prosperous, developed nations owe it to their fellow citizens to alleviate severe poverty. So why aren’t we doing more? We are concerned that help will not be effective. We are concerned about the environmental consequences of growing riches. We don’t want to give up our comfort. However, none of these arguments are correct. Aid works, Furthermore, poverty reduction and environmental preservation frequently coincide, and even when they do not, there is a strong moral case to be made that affluent countries should lower their luxury emissions before poor countries reduce their subsistence emissions. Ultimately, it is in our own interest to end extreme poverty, a goal that could be achieved if each one of us were to give up just a fraction of what we own, even if it starts from our very own houses and donation of whatever is in good condition we no longer require.

 For this CAS experience, I am showcasing the learner profile caring as I am showing empathy, compassion and respect towards homeless people where I have commitment to the service of donation that me and my team has done and we have tried to create a positive difference in the lives of these homeless people who are around us.

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