World Costal Day

I took part in a significant beach cleanup operation that was carried out in Surat in honor of World Coastal Day. I participated in the beach clean-up, concentrating at Dumas, Surat. There, we were entrusted with cleaning plastic and other trash carelessly dumped on the Dumas Shore from several beach areas.

I now have a more excellent grasp of a critical environmental issue as a result of my CAS experience. I’ve discovered through my CAS experience just how much trash we actually throw onto the beach and the potential harm it might do to nature.

Learning Outcomes: 

LO-2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

One of the difficulties I faced was that I had never done this kind of work before (providing for the community or society), so I wasn’t familiar with how to go about doing it or how to encourage others to do it. However, as I worked through this initiative drive, I learned more about this type of community service, which encouraged me to carry out more of it in the future.

LO-5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I demonstrated social skills while this drive. As I realized during the drive that the clean-up process in a particular process area would be tough and time-demanding, so to resolve that problem I used social skills in which I gathered all the participants and convinced them to work collaboratively which saved our time and all the areas were cleaned up fast and effectively.

LO-6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

This CAS experience focused on the problem of land pollution, which emerged as a result of people’s carelessness in tossing trash onto beaches without taking into account the possible negative effects on the ecosystem. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of filthy and polluted coastal areas in the world. The accumulation of trash on beaches may result in marine litter, which has an effect on marine ecosystems and marine organisms. As a result, beaches with plenty of trash damage the environment and jeopardize sustainability.

LO-7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

By participating in this beach cleanup project, I contributed to the great societal cause of protecting the oceans from pollutants that imperil marine life. Due to the societal advantages and my contribution to environmental sustainability, this choice was moral.




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