Global Odyssey 3.0

During the Global Odyssey event, held on February 23, 2023 at the Fountainhead School, students got the opportunity to learn how a business is founded and run. Students in business management and economics, as well as lecturers, organised the event. Outside of the classroom, students showed concepts such as profit maximization, pricing, demand, supply, marketing, and many more. The event was divided into several categories, including fashion, amusement, food, and a picture booth. This event was intended to demonstrate how actual businesses run and how we must interact with other individuals. I was in the amusement department, where I forced the students to play football.



Because I knew football was my forte, I thought of a game and came up with the concept of target penalties. Because I was familiar with the pricing mechanism, I fixed the price such that people would be enticed to play the game.The catch was that hitting these benchmarks was difficult, therefore the money was in our favour. The areas for improvement would be that I should have organised the game one week before the event, because procrastination on work led to last-minute decisions, and that I came up with this concept.



The event would take place in the service sector.But, more importantly, this CAS experience provided certain personal benefits such as market experience, price mechanism, customer attraction, and much more.



Because I am strong at marketing, I began advertising my sport so that more people could come and try it, which would eventually raise our income, and the participants will also indirectly advertise for us, which is wonderful and beneficial for us.



I told myself that our game would be moderately priced, that we had to be fair to everyone, and that we couldn’t favour those we knew. We keep in mind the importance of business ethics in running a company.


Communicators is the learner profile.
Since communication was necessary to make our sport popular, we could offer more services and earn more money.

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