Republic Day Event

I gained a lot of understanding This event also needed a lot of organization because we wanted it to be something other than a typical or boring occasion. So, after a few days of preparation and early arrival at school, The decoration phase was the most challenging. We had fewer members which means everyone will have more responsibility.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

My ability to interact with others in a kind way is one of my skills. On the other hand, I often find it difficult to come up with decorative ideas. As I became more aware of how crucial it was to have ideas for the republic day event’s decorations, I understood that going without any would not work as a member of the team. By identifying our skills, we may choose a professional path that complements them and ultimately leads to success. Similarly to this, recognizing our flaws might help us see where we need to grow. Knowing our skills and shortcomings can also help us decide where to concentrate our efforts and expertise.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

It was a challenge to make the event engaging, entertaining, and informative for students. The difficulty arose because it was a republic day celebration, and we struggled to come up with decorations and activities that were relevant to the occasion.

Our team eventually found a solution by conducting a quiz with students while they made posters and played lively patriotic songs to create a festive atmosphere. However, managing the materials required (such as papers, colours, and sketch pens) and supervising students from three different grades proved to be another challenge. To overcome this, we divided the team into smaller groups, each assigned to monitor and assist students from different grades. This reduced the workload and made it easier to keep track of the materials.

LO5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

As I am very friendly with everyone it was easy for me to talk to everyone and because of that, it helped me work more productively with them because we were not shouting at each other. Working collaboratively was the most important thing to do in this event because we had less time and handle 3 grades. By working collaboratively we were getting better ideas as we were freely sharing with each other. It also helped us solve the problem of doing it faster rather than working individually with less speed. The thinker IB learner profile was used by me and my teammates for getting new ideas.



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