Learning SketchUp

Sketch up is an website which is used to make 3D models and is easy to understand the website.

LO1 Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth Screen reader support enabled

I’d tried a couple 3D modelling programmes but wasn’t very adept at creating 3D objects. However, with extended usage of Fusion and learning of its tools, I became fluent, and my weakness became my strength. I can now easily create 3D models, which was previously challenging for me. I’m still not excellent at it, and I’m not familiar with all of the software’s functions, but since studying this software, my strengths in 3D modelling have outweighed my deficiencies.

LO3 Initiate and plan a CAS experience

I needed to arrange and organise the materials I would need to understand the software. I had to conduct study on them and make use of the best and most efficient resources. In addition to studying, I had to manage my time to master the programme. Though the idea was simple and quick, the execution was time consuming, and I had to wait until the weekends to construct more models.

LO4 Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

I needed to be dedicated to this activity since I wanted to understand the programme as soon as possible so that I could start producing models. There were also other tools, and I had to put my knowledge to the test on nearly all of them by completing self-paced lessons and exercises from online sites. But patience paid off in the end, as learning the software took relatively little time; nevertheless, constructing models took longer because I only had extra time on weekends owing to frequent schoolwork.

LO7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

SketchUp wasn’t just about 3D models; it was an ethical exploration. I grappled with using models responsibly, avoiding plagiarism, and ensuring cultural sensitivity in my creations. Did my designs contribute to bias? Each click held choices – sustainable materials, eco-friendly printing – minimizing my environmental footprint. Through these considerations, SketchUp became more than a tool; it was a journey towards responsible creation, leaving a positive mark on the digital world.

While learning and using the software I had demonstrated these learner profile attributes:

Inquirer- I had to research and learn the software on my own and had to inquire about the software and the sources to learn from.

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