Photography Club (In School)

  • My CAS experience in a photography club was an eye-opening journey that taught me about the theoretical aspects of photography and the significance of this art form. Prior to joining the club, I had always been interested in photography, but I had never delved deep into the technicalities and theories that go into creating a beautiful photograph. Through the club, I learned about the various elements of photography, such as composition, lighting, and colour, and how they work together to create a visually pleasing image. I also learned about different types of photography, such as portrait, landscape, and street photography, and the unique challenges that come with each one.

LO1: Joining the photography club was a challenging yet rewarding experience for me. One of my biggest strengths was my determination to learn about the art of photography, even when faced with obstacles such as not having access to a high-quality camera. I was able to push past these challenges and learn about the different theoretical aspects of photography, such as composition, lighting, and angles. Through the support of my fellow club members, I was able to develop my skills and gain a greater appreciation for the beauty of photography. Moving forward, I hope to continue to strengthen my skills in this area and invest in a better camera to enhance my abilities even further.

LO2: Joining the photography club was a challenging experience for me, mainly because I couldn’t afford a good-quality camera that was required for the daily sessions. However, I was determined to learn more about this beautiful art and didn’t let this setback discourage me. Instead, I decided to work with what I had and make the most of the resources available to me. Through the club, I learned about the theoretical aspects of photography, such as composition and lighting, which helped me to develop my skills even without a high-end camera. This experience taught me the importance of perseverance and determination in the face of challenges, and I am proud to say that I developed new skills in photography as a result.


Joining the photography club was a challenging CAS experience for me. I was excited to learn about the theoretical and practical aspects of photography but faced a major obstacle when I realized that I didn’t have a good-quality  camera to meet the requirements of the daily sessions.

However, I was determined to persevere and not let this setback hold me back. I borrowed a camera from a friend and made the most of the opportunity. I put in extra effort to learn about the different techniques and tricks of photography and even practised at home to improve my skills.

My perseverance and commitment paid off, as I eventually became more confident in my abilities and was able to produce high-quality photographs. This experience taught me the value of determination and perseverance and showed me that with hard work and dedication, I could overcome any challenge.


Joining the photography club was a challenging experience for me. I didn’t have access to a good-quality camera, which made it challenging to participate in the daily sessions. However, I didn’t let this setback discourage me. Instead, I worked collaboratively with my fellow club members, who generously offered to lend me their cameras and share their knowledge. Through this collaborative effort, I learned about the theoretical aspects of photography and the significance of this beautiful art form. I also developed my skills in communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. Working collaboratively allowed me to overcome the challenges I faced and achieve my goals. I am grateful for this experience, which has helped me develop important skills that will serve me well in both academic and professional settings.


  • Beyond the technical aspects, I also gained a deeper appreciation for the significance of photography as an art form. Through various projects and assignments, I was able to explore the ways in which photography can capture emotions, tell stories, and document the world around us. Overall, my experience in the photography club was a valuable one that taught me about the theoretical aspects of photography and the significance of this art form. It allowed me to develop my skills as a photographer and gain a deeper appreciation for the power of visual storytelling. I would highly recommend this experience to anyone interested in exploring the world of photography.




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