Cultural Capsule (Service)

I went to a school as a volunteer where children from different NGOs had gathered. The main purpose of it being for the children to have their best time there with gaining a little knowledge about our Indian culture. There were different activities and games like read aloud, mosaic art, sand paper art, rangoli making, dog in the bone and garba. I did read multiple books for them which were related to understanding the significance of our Indian culture which enriched their knowledge about the same while having fun at the same time.


LO1 – Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

I think that one of my strengths is that I am good with children, I was able to manage them and get them involved in the reading aloud, altogether, having fun with them. Furthermore, I was able to fluently communicate with them in hindi which really helped me make the activity more interactive.


LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

While I was able to interact and communicate with most of the children, not everyone were that easy to communicate with, there were instances where it was difficult to grab attention of few of the children and make them have fun along with everyone but I kept trying to get them involved in order for them to have fun and I think as time passed, everyone had fun.


LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

Conducting the activities also required beforehand preparation, I was assigned to read aloud books and that meant I had to decide the kind of books that needed to be read, I also had to decide the pace of reading and level of language which would be easy for understanding for all age groups as they were from varied backgrounds and age groups. Moreover, even I had to get well versed with all the books that I planned on reading aloud to conduct the session smoothly. Planning the activities properly was essential for a better execution.


LO6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance. 

There are government organizations and NGOs who aid underprivileged people to get food, shelter and education, and while we are equipped with all of these things and more, I feel like serving the community is our responsibility. While this might be an action on a smaller scale, helping those in need and making their day while also enlightening them with knowledge associated with Indian culture is a step in the right direction towards a change.


LO7 – Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

Because of this session of cultural capsule I was able to understand how our small correct actions could bring significant changes and encourage others to do the same as a part of serving the community.

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