Bal Mela (Service)

Bal Mela is the biggest event of the year where our school invites children from various SMC and village schools to enjoy different activities in sports, arts, music & dance. There were around 1500 children attending Bal Mela. I was one of the volunteers and conducted a game (burst the balloon) along with 3 other people.


LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

The event was huge and we had to look after around 70 children at a time and managing these many children all at once was a difficult task in itself, on top of that we had to explain the game to them and make them play the same which became more challenging. Moreover, there was a language barrier between the children and me since I am not very fluent at conversing in gujarati, it was difficult for me to communicate with them but I got through with that and managed to convey my message through a little assistance.


LO5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

I worked with 3 other people and conducted the game. We worked together and divided our responsibilities among one another depending on their strengths and weaknesses. I wasn’t very fluent with Gujarati therefore, other people in the group really helped me and took most of the speaking part. Working in a team really made it efficient plus a little easy to manage, additionally, we were able to effectively use the strengths of all the team members. 


LO6 – Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance. 

There are government organizations and NGOs who aid underprivileged people to get food, shelter and education, and while we are equipped with all of these things and more, I feel like serving the community is our responsibility. While this might be an action on a smaller scale, helping those in need and making their day really made me content.


LO7 – Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

Because of Bal Mela I was able to understand how our small correct actions could bring significant changes and encourage others to do the same as a part of serving the community. 

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