Personal Finance & Investing Club (Creativity)

I have been a part of the personal finance and investing club for the past nine months. I have always been interested in investing money, stock markets and finance. And the club organized by the school just seemed the perfect opportunity to enlighten myself with knowledge about the same. We participate in many different activities, for example, on a simulation (money control) of the stock market where we invested money (fake) to get a kind of real life experience on how investing works and track our stocks. Furthermore, we create presentations on the stocks we invest in and present it in the club on the reasons for investing, this allows us to get varied perspectives of people when it comes to the stock market. Similarly, we understand different concepts by first being taught about the concept through movies, video and our teacher and then presenting our understanding about the same through presentations. 


LO1 – Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

This club required extensive research skills and over the span of 9 months I realized that my research skills are pretty good which really helped me in the club as there were numerous instances where we had to make presentations. And the classes being very interactive, I improved my communication skills significantly. 


LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

When I first joined the club I had no knowledge about anything related to finance or investing, the club was loaded with terminologies related to finance and everyday we learnt something new. Grasping all of it was rigorous but with the assistance of numerous videos, courses, films, I was able to understand most of it.


LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

I have been actively attending the club for the past nine months now and managing to complete the tasks/assignments on time of this club alongside my studies and exams have been a bit of a challenging task but I have stayed committed to the club and religiously completed all the assignments showing perseverance. 

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