Educational Trip to Mount Abu (Activity)

In December, I went to Mount Abu, a trip organized by school. Wherein we did multiple activities throughout the span of 5 days like trekking, caving, zip lining, etc. Altogether, it was a fun experience. 


LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

My endurance and stamina isn’t really one of my strengths. It is something I have always struggled with and in the entire trip treks were ranged from distances of 4 kilometers to 11 kilometers. All these tasks required endurance and stamina which I was lacking, hence, it became really challenging for me to complete all the treks, I took several breaks in between, however, despite that I completed the treks successfully. Moreover, I am not a really courageous person, although on this trip there were activities that required great courage like caving and trekking. I think that I was brave throughout and did each and every activity. This trip helped me become a little more courageous and motivated me to work upon my stamina and endurance.


LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

Going on a trip is always a great experience but with that the trip also requires great planning to ensure that everything is enjoyed thoroughly with comfort. I started to plan for the trip a month prior. I made a list of all the necessities (clothes, food, shoes, etc) and things that are needed to be carried for the type of location and weather by researching about it. And then proceeded to buy and arrange them systematically. 


LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

The treks were extremely exhausting physically and there were times I wanted to quit but I stayed committed to complete the trek despite the pain in my legs. I pushed myself to complete all the treks in the trip.


LO7 – Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

There were many instances during the trek where I noticed students of our grade littering plastic trash during the trek. I restricted myself to litter and encouraged my classmates to do the same. I then realized how our such actions, though, on a smaller scale could be the right step towards conserving our environment.  

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