ISSO 4th edition

The International Schools Sports Organization (ISSO) Football tournament – fourth edition 2022 was hosted by Fountainhead School from 6th October 2022 to 10th October 2022. 30 IB schools from  across India registered for the event. SInce, it was the first time fountainhead school had hosted an event at such a huge scale, it was important to take this as an opportunity to make a good impression of our school amongst the others by providing them with the best hospitality possible. I was a volunteer, volunteers were the backbone of the event. Apart from the few teachers and staff, we were pretty much the management. This included guiding teams and schools as to where to go, helping them in case of doubts and injuries, being present at the venues and just a lot running and hustling around. 


LO2 ; demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Throughout the tournament, I experienced several obstacles, but there were two that almost got the best of me. The first was frequently rushing from one location to another since there would always be a shortage of volunteers at one location or another, making it difficult to be present at two places at almost the same time. Walking miles between locations while sitting in the sun was quite tiring as well. The unfavorable weather was the second obstacle we had to overcome.On the third day of the event, it began to rain, and matches were postponed and canceled as teams and coaches grew frustrated and demanded a place to rest their teams. It was challenging to manage each of these situations because the teachers’ decisions took time, leaving us in the dark and unable to provide any answers.We frequently had to handle the team’s and the players’ rage. Being patient was one of the things I practiced and improved along the way since it was required in this situation.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

The event’s timing—the week before exams—made it challenging for me to come willing to volunteer, so I had to demonstrate commitment and perseverance. The commitment I was able to keep was that I could serve and study at the same time. Although I find it difficult to commit, the need for both examinations and volunteering, as well as the knowledge that I couldn’t back out without disappointing my school, forced me to do so.


LO5: demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I often see it simple to collaborate with people. For  the event to run smoothly, collaborating with others was essential. Working together is crucial because it makes decision-making and problem-solving simpler. Because we knew it was all of our responsibility to make the event successful, we frequently filled in for other volunteers when they were too worn out or swapped sites for more convenient comfort. This is why I think ISSO was such a success, because we all worked together as a team. 

Along the way, I developed learner profiles balanced, caring and open-minded.  Overall, the event was a big success, but getting to spend time with my friends—the other volunteers—will always be what i’ll remember this event by. We had many laughs together and engaged in a lot fun, which provided me with lifelong memories. I believed I would regret using my study time for something else, but I was clearly mistaken. 

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