Nature Camp To Mount Abu

In December 2022, we made our way to Mount Abu, a highland village in the Aravalli Range of Rajasthan, in western India. Trekking, mountain climbing, caving, and other strenuous activities were included in the action of which that event was a part. Overall, the excursions and adventure activities I engaged in were challenging, enjoyable, and distinctive, and they contributed to the development of my learner character Risk-taker by teaching me how to face challenges head-on and to plan ahead.


Learning Outcomes:

LO-1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

It being my first journey, I had no clue what to expect from it. So, while hiking and engaging in other activities like rock climbing and rappelling, I focused on the method involved and did my best to understand it. Knowing my limitations helped me strengthen these flaws and turn them into assets.

LOI-2: Demonstrated that challenges have been undertaken, and developing new skills was shown.

On the first day of training, we embarked on our first excursion. Even though it was a difficult experience, I tried to understand the skills required because I knew the next journey would be much lengthier and more exciting. I was able to keep my enthusiasm on all of the following trips because of this.

LO-4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

While on the journey, we encounter numerous problems related to the environment and the topography. Even so, I showed that I was committed to finishing the journey and courageously traversing various types of topography. And despite the difficulty I encountered while mountain climbing, I persisted in my resolve rather than giving up.

LO-5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

After our journey, the organisers used to set up team activities and events for us to take part in, which improved our ability to cooperate. Even our teachers participated in these events, which increased our zeal. I was able to effectively hone my abilities and discover how to work with a group to get a job done swiftly and efficiently.

LO-7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

The tourism industry in Mount Abu is well-known, but while it helps the region’s income, it harms the area’s natural beauty and ecosystem. We used all of our resources carefully, brought a plastic bag with us on our journey to gather our trash, and avoided littering and water waste. It was heartening to see everyone taking responsibility for any acts they may have taken that may have harmed the ecosystem.

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