Beach cleanup

Since Dumas beach is a tourist attraction of Surat and many people visit it every day, people are bound to throw trash and pollute the beach. This affects marine life as the pollutants flow into the ocean, and the life living on the beach like dogs tend to eat the waste. I took part in an initiative to clean up the beach to have a cleaner environment for tourists and animals. Also, I contributed to the SDG helping life below water.



Since we would have schools on weekdays, we would go on weekends to dumas beach so it was pretty straightforward to decide the days on which we would go. Morning time would be ideal since there is a lesser crowd and we can do our work more efficiently and peacefully. Lastly, the beach was clear from the start as it is a very famous tourist place and thousands of people visit it every day so the trash is to be expected.



Working collaboratively is pretty easy for me to complete huge time-consuming tasks to get the best result possible, we worked in a group to cover different parts of the beach to clean up which increased our efficiency and we were able to cover a larger surface area to clean in a minimal amount of time. It is important to work collaboratively with others so that tasks like these are completed on time and with a greater impact, also good leadership skills are necessary to guide everyone on what to do so that no time or effort is wasted.



Land and water pollution are a huge problem in the modern world, the litter being thrown onto the beach gets sucked into the ocean by waves hence polluting the ocean as well. This affects the life living on water and on land so cleaning up the beach reduces the impact and helps the global issue. It makes me feel good and motivated that I get to clean up the beach for a greater cause.



We kept in mind the ethics and proceeded accordingly, for example, sanitization and safety was big issue but we were able to tackle that by wearing the proper safety equipment like gloves while cleaning up the beach and we had proper trash bags so that the trash we picked up was disposed properly and not thrown off to the side. Also, it was unethical for the public to throw litter on the beach without caring about any other living being or the environment, so we did our part to help fix that.


This CAS experience helped me to realize the number of waste people dump irresponsibly on the beach and the ocean, and the impacts on the environment. I got an opportunity to help clean up the beach and make a safer environment. I demonstrated the learner profile of caring as I cared for the life on the beach and the ocean which motivated me to clean it up.

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