Global Odyssey

Students had the great opportunity to see how a business is created and run during the Global Odyssey event which was held on February 23, 2023 in the fountainhead school. The event was coordinated by business management and economics students, as well as the teachers. The ideas of maximizing profits, pricing, demand, supply, marketing, and many other ideas have been demonstrated by the students outside of the classroom. The event had many sub-sections like fashion, fun, food and photo booth. This event was held in order to show us how real businesses operate and how we must engage with different people. I was in the fun section, where I made the students play with Virtual reality (VR).

LO1 : { Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth }

One of my weaknesses, which I learned about from a teacher, was that my prices were somewhat high. I worked to address this and reduced my prices to a more reasonable level, which helped me increase demand for the game. One of my strengths was that I could convince students to play my game, which helped me later on to make money from it. Knowing our weaknesses enables us to recognize areas for improvement and do something about those areas. Understanding our weaknesses allows us to work on solving issues to get past them and improve as individuals.

LO2 : { Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process }

One difficulty I ran into was that there was a lot of demand for the game, which made it difficult for me to reach it all. To overcome this challenge I told the students to walk through different stalls and whenever the place will be free I will call them and through this I was able to reach to more people. Opportunities for both professional and personal growth can come from new challenges. They can help with the growth of our creativity, problem-solving abilities, and strength that are beneficial in many aspects of our lives.

LO 3: { Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience }

To start a business, it takes a lot of preparation and work. I researched upon the game as such that it should not be extreme for the new comers in the game or not too easy as it will be less engaging for the students. It is important to know how to plan and initiate activities cause it gives a clear vision on how to plan what to do first or what is the first necessary for the game and to be organized.

LO7 : { Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions }

I had kept in mind that the game should be unbiased and fair to everyone, not favoring those we know. I kept in mind the fact that maintaining business ethics is also important.


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