Learning badminton – CAS Experience

I have always had a keen interest in playing a sport, since I have played pretty much every sport I had now come to a conclusion that badminton is the one that I enjoy the most and decided to then pursue playing badminton on a regular basis as a part of my daily schedule.

Badminton is a social sport that helps me build friendships and develop teamwork skills. It can be played in singles or doubles, which provides opportunities for different levels of social interaction.playing badminton also helps me improve mental health by reducing stress. It promotes a sense of achievement and boosts my self-confidence and self-esteem.

LO1 ( Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth )

I had identified my strengths and weaknesses throughout my time of playing badminton. Because of this I was able to know at which shot I was best at and Which one I needed to practice more on. This helped me be a better version of myself and was able to improve my badminton skills.

LO2 ( Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills )-

One of the main challenges that occurred while playing badminton is that I at the time had a really tight schedule and had no space for badminton but I know that physical exercise is a must and should be done on a daily basis. So I sacrificed my break time and invested it on badminton and the challenge had been undertaken.

LO4 ( Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences )-

I had to show commitment and perseverance because I am not that athletic. I had shown commitment by being consistent in my classes as I want to be a competitive badminton player, and also I showed commitment by sacrificing my leisure time to invest it in my badminton skills. I had shown perseverance by working very hard and playing another game even if I was tired.


I love playing badminton and with it I accomplished my goal of being fit and learning a sport that I actually like. I learned from badminton that physical exercise is a must and from now on I will be consistent even if I am not feeling good.




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