ATV Ride

In the start of the month of June we all friends went for a trip in Lonavala and on 6th we had went to do ATV (All Terrain Vehicle) ride and it was also exciting because this was the first time where we were going to do this activity allowed us to explore and challenge ourselves physically while also providing an opportunity for personal growth.

  • LO1 Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.
    We had to to attend a safety training before the trip where we learnt how to operate the ATV safely and take the appropriate safeguards. We were able to see our talents as a result of this come across especially our ability for listening carefully and following directions. When we started to ride ATV there were not good roads and the ATV is known for bumpy roads and to ride ATV between the mountains we all faced an issue when a friend of ours was going to be injured. The safeguards told that not to put the legs down when you are riding ATV but one of our friend did that and he had fallen from the ATV but luckily he was not injured.
  • LO4 Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.
    We showed perseverance and commitment during the CAS experience the ATV ride required both physical endurance and mental toughness. We occasionally encountered difficult conditions that put our resolve to the test. We had to struggle over muddy trails, tight twists, and upward climbs but we completed it. Though this experience taught us the importance of commitment and the value of planning ahead
  • LO5 Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.
    The ATV trip offered a fantastic chance for cooperation and teamwork. We talked to one another, offering support and guidance as we navigated challenging conditions. I took turns becoming the group’s leader so that everyone could participate and make choices. For our success and safety throughout the journey cooperation was crucial.We learned the benefits of teamwork through working together. We discovered that by combining our different skills we could tackle challenges more successfully. We discovered that working together not only improves the overall experience but also builds a deeper connection and creates a sense of togetherness among the group members.

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