Community Service In School

Every year, our school gives its pupils a chance to participate in a community service program. Students have various options for what they would like to teach disadvantaged kids, including robotics, sports, basketball, and Computer skills. I decided to teach the poor kids ICT skills because of my propensity for technology, particularly computing. I was a member of a group of school workers who were all working under Kiran Sir’s direction. The idea to teach the kids fundamental computing skills was one that we all came up with.


Learning Outcomes:

LO-1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

We needed to split our duties because we had to work as a team. We all had to contribute our individual talents and flaws in order to divide our duties effectively. I had to recognize my own talents and flaws at this particular time. I recognized my skills which are that I am good with computers, knowledge of the skill I know, and I used to teach underprivileged children.

LO-2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Educating the pupils presented some difficulties for me because they were poor and we had to start teaching them everything from scratch before introducing concepts like coding and typing. I acquired a variety of skills during this time, including communication skills, which I used heavily while performing my community work and engaging with numerous pupils to help them learn as much as possible because, between me and my pupils, there was a language barrier as I was particularly comfortable and fluent in English while my pupils were underprivileged and were only familiar with Gujarati and hey only possessed basic knowledge about the computers and English language.

LO-3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

We have to prepare all the sessions with those underprivileged kids after we had our first interaction with them and got to know their skills and capability. We have to divide all the kids according to their age and skill set so we can teach them accordingly based on their present knowledge and ability to make their learning session with us the most effective and make the most out of them.

LO-4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

During the community service period, I made a promise to teach the students as much as I could. I attempted to teach them activities like typing, coding, and various software during this time, and this commitment served to better the knowledge of underprivileged children. Though we faced many difficulties such as the language barrier, and their lack of knowledge which led us to teach them everything from scratch.

LO-5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

Because everyone has a unique collection of abilities that can be combined to accomplish a single job much more effectively, collaborating with others is always beneficial. I had to collaborate with others during this encounter, which helped me because of how the workload was divided. We divided ourselves based on our skillset and were divided with different age and skillset groups of children so we can teach them specific things based on their needs.

LO-6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

A significant issue in the globe, particularly in developing nations, is a lack of education, whether of high quality or otherwise. This supports co-curricular and extracurricular pursuits in addition to academic requirements. I had a fantastic chance to address this global problem through this experience.

LO-7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

I never thought doing community service was worthwhile, but after I did it, I realized how important it is for there to be more people like us who can work to improve society. This realization caused a shift in me and inspired me to carry out more community service in the future.

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