26th January “Republic Day”

Welcome to my CAS blog on “Management and Decor of Republic Day.” In this blog, I will discuss the learning outcomes that I achieved while managing and decorating for Republic Day celebrations.


Learning Outcome 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I was responsible for managing and decorating for the Republic Day celebrations in our school. Through this experience, I identified my strengths in event management and creative decoration skills. However, I also realized that I needed to develop my skills in time management and delegation of tasks. I learned that effective management requires proper planning, delegation of tasks, and efficient use of time.


Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The process of managing and decorating for Republic Day celebrations presented several challenges, including budget constraints, time constraints, and limited resources. I had to work creatively to manage the limited resources and come up with innovative ideas for decoration. Through this experience, I developed new skills such as budget management, resource management, and problem-solving. I learned that challenges can be overcome with creativity, determination, and hard work.


Learning Outcome 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Initiating and planning a CAS experience requires proper planning and organization. I began by discussing the plan with the student council members and identifying the roles and responsibilities of each member. We then created a budget and decided on the decoration themes and ideas. We also identified the resources required and made arrangements for the same. Through this experience, I learned how to initiate and plan a CAS experience, including budgeting, resource management, and delegation of tasks.

In conclusion, managing and decorating for Republic Day celebrations helped me develop several skills, including event management, creative decoration skills, time management, delegation of tasks, budget management, resource management, and problem-solving. It also taught me how to initiate and plan a CAS experience effectively. Overall, it was a fulfilling experience, and I look forward to applying these skills in other areas of my life.


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