The benefits of working out in the gym regularly are numerous, regular exercise can improve physical health , mental health except for that regular exercise also boosts self-confidence , social interactions because we meet and talk to new people everyday which helps a lot in socializing and networking lastly gym also builds discipline because of working out regularly.

Learning Outcomes (LO)

LO1:  Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I started gym to loose weight but slowly I understood that loosing weight isn’t enough so my goal was to build a good physique and improve my mental and physical health both. At first I didn’t knew what were my strengths but slowly when I started working out I got to know that my strength was strength training exercises , particularly only upper body and my weakness was cardio exercises like cycling , running and strength training , particularly lower body which was my area of growth.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

Taking time out for gym daily 1-2 hours in a busy schedule like schools, classes can be a challenge especially for the one with a busy schedule. Being consistent in this process is the most challenging thing out of all , most of the people fail at this point because its tough to see results very quickly as its a time taking process. I mainly faced with this 2 problems that taking out time for gym in a busy schedule and secondly , being consistent to the gym and have patience to see results.

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

Consistency is the key to results in the gym. You have to be committed to come to the gym daily and show perseverance  to see results. Be very strict with diet plan because showing up in the gym is  and eating junk wont help you in anyway to see results , having a diet and workout plan and strictly following the plan will help you get some results. Seeing results in gym will take a lot of time and efforts so you have to have commitment and perseverance of showing up to the gym no matter you see results or not.

Before results: 


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