Cultural Capsule – Project (Cultural club)

“Culture Capsule” is a club organized by me and my 5 other friends. It was formed to gain knowledge about and explore the lifestyle and its traditions, rituals, beliefs, and values from many regions of India, as well as to arrange activities to aid impoverished children and in school events. We even have an Instagram account where we post about our culture and the events that we put on. This all began on September 22, 2022, and we aim to continue until March 15, 2023. We started this group because we had observed that India has many diverse cultures but we are forgetting about it. So as a group wanted to learn more about them as well as their history and also make people aware of it.

LO 1- Identify their own strengths and develop areas of personal growth.
I was able to recognize my strengths and areas for development while participating in the cultural capsule project. I realized I have a strong eye for shooting aesthetically attractive photographs and writing engaging descriptions for our followers. Furthermore, my interest in learning about diverse cultures and sharing that information with others enabled me to make a constructive contribution to the project. However, I recognized that I needed to improve my time management abilities since there were occasions when I struggled to reconcile my other commitments with my project responsibilities. I also saw that I needed to enhance my communication skills in order to work successfully with my team members and solve any difficulties that may occur. However, the project allowed me to reflect on my strengths and limitations, and I am happy for the opportunity to improve both personally and professionally.

LO 2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.
This entire initiative began and continues to run while our school is still in session. All of the events and their administration are integrated into our regular school life. Therefore there are several issues and problems that we face on a daily basis. The clashing of school-related deadlines and curricular work is the most common and significant obstacle. On a regular basis, managing meeting times and deadlines for school and personal work clashes. The other is that we in Grade 11 have some extracurricular work that limits the amount of time we have to spend on the assignment. For example, having strong marks is essential for early application, which implies devoting more time to academics. Moreover, internal exams, language orals, and other activities take up a significant amount of time. Yet, by controlling event dates and deadline completion, we end up with just enough time to finish and stay on schedule to avoid missing anything. Most of the time, though, it is a close decision for the entire squad.

LO 3- Initiate and plan a CAS experience.
It all started with a group conversation about our various ethnicities and traditions. Nevertheless, we just read that India has many diverse cultures, but we never learn or try to understand them. So it all started with an in-school event, but as we expanded this group idea into a full-fledged initiative, we considered organizing an out-of-school drive for orphaned or underprivileged children to do activities and learn more about their culture. We began arranging for this approximately two weeks before deciding on the activity, distributing the volunteer form, and selecting where we would travel. This all took a significant amount of time to organize with the school.

LO 4- Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience.
As previously said, we had an extremely limited timeframe to work with because most of the time the team’s spare time did not coincide. This frustrating time and the close call planning required a lot of commitment from the team members that they would not leave because of their heavy workload. Although a member left the group once in the beginning I believe it was wiser to leave then, instead of right now, because our project is like a building with us being the backbone of it. Working under stress necessitates tenacity on the part of each member of the team. Arranging the program while also organizing other in-school activities makes it more difficult than before. Given that we have no other choice and must, this demonstrates how each member of the group demonstrates tenacity and devotion to the cultural capsule.

LO 5- Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.
Collaboration is among the most critical things for us to run the culture capsules as intended in the future. We anticipated that it would be a time and effort-intensive difficulty when we designed it as a student-based initiative. The project is entirely divided into sections, one for each Team member. All owing to this division of labor and the interaction of working as a team, we were able to successfully complete all of the activities. All work is split evenly and based on the strengths of each member of the team, ensuring that all output is of better quality. After all, regardless of the near call of the timeline, collaboration aids in the effective completion of this group project.

LO 6- Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.
Engaging with global concerns was an important element of our cultural Capsule experience. Our objective was to raise awareness about the value of maintaining and enjoying various cultures across the world. As part of our community duty, we organized drives to several orphanages and used interactive activities to teach youngsters about the value of culture. We conducted weekly online or café meetings to exchange ideas and better arrange our activities. Our primary goal was to meet the Sustainable Development Goal of Good Quality Education. This event taught me the value of recognizing diversity and the role of education in building a more inclusive world.

LO 7- Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.
Understanding that culture and religion are inextricably linked, we had to go out of our way to ensure that our team’s actions and activities would not offend anyone’s sentiments, values, or beliefs in any manner. Understand that cultural and religious views are easily offended since we do not know everything about someone’s own notion or value opinion. We must evaluate the ethics of what we share on social media, what behaviors might be viewed as such, and, finally, how they may negatively influence someone.

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