I was part of the organizing committee for FSMUN, which is a Model UN conference held at our school. My role involved overseeing all the preparations leading up to the event. The purpose of FSMUN is to encourage debate, effective communication, and confidence-building among students. I was initially drawn to the event due to its popularity and reputation among my peers.

Taking on this responsibility pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me develop my interpersonal, communication, and self-management skills. I had to use critical thinking to plan and manage the event effectively. FSMUN is the most significant event at Fountainhead School, and being part of the committee was an incredible experience. Through this process, I not only learned a lot myself but also taught others.

As someone who enjoys interacting with others and creating new memories, I found FSMUN to be a fulfilling experience. I am grateful for the opportunity to have been part of the organizing committee and for the invaluable skills and experiences that came with it.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth:
FSMUN is a cooperative event that gave me the opportunity to collaborate with many people, resulting in instances of praise and constructive criticism. This encouraged individuals to reflect on their weaknesses and assign tasks based on each other’s strengths. Personally, I felt confident in tasks related to decoration and art as I am a creative person, and I made sure to put in my best effort in these areas.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process :

I had many tasks to complete in a short time while also trying to balance several other activities. Time management has always been a challenge for me, but this experience has inspired me to work on improving it. To overcome this weakness, I started making to-do lists, allocating specific amounts of time for each task. This helped me manage my time more effectively. Unfortunately, due to the demands of this preparation, I had to miss some of the curriculum as we had to take time away from our regular classes.

LO3- Initiate and plan a CAS experience :
FSMUN is an event that requires extensive preparation because it is attended by students from both the school and other schools. While I did not explicitly plan the event, I did assist the core committee in ensuring its success by providing guidance and support. I pride myself on being an organized person who enjoys keeping things in order, and this ability proved to be beneficial in making FSMUN a remarkable event. While initiating the event was relatively easy for me, planning it was more challenging. Nevertheless, I am excited to continue being involved in similar events and taking on a leadership role in the future.

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience :
FSMUN necessitates significant management due to its formal nature, as previously mentioned. Every aspect of FSMUN, from minor details like decoration to major aspects such as food and resources, had to be developed from scratch. Planning everything required a considerable amount of time and effort. To successfully execute this event, we had to remain dedicated and focused, as procrastination would mean sacrificing important activities such as school and sports. We organized our schedule according to the time available, ensuring that we never missed a day of work. Although working every day was challenging, we understood the importance of perseverance and commitment to ensure a successful event. Even a single absent participant would create difficulties, as they would miss out on a significant amount of work.

LO5–Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively:
I find it fairly easy to work with others, but sometimes it takes me some time and space to open up to certain individuals. In the case of the FSMUN team, there were many committee members involved, and we had to work together in order to ensure the success of the event and its smooth execution.

During this process, I demonstrated my social skills by taking a proactive leadership role and collaborating effectively with the team. We all worked together and contributed new ideas to make the event a success. As a result, I had the opportunity to work with new people and develop new acquaintances. Additionally, I took time to reflect on what went well and what didn’t so that we could improve for future events. Through overseeing committee meetings and addressing delegates on the day of the event, I was able to further refine my communication skills.

Organizing an event of this size required a team effort and a lot of hard work, and I was grateful to be a part of such a team project. We had a short amount of time to complete a lot of work, but we were able to divide the tasks among ourselves and work collaboratively to get everything done. With diverse viewpoints and ideas constantly being shared, we were able to combine and present the best of them. Everyone in the team brought a unique perspective and expertise, which made our discussions and decision-making highly productive. I have experience working in teams and enjoy meeting new people and hearing different perspectives, and this project was no exception.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions :
Integrity is an essential aspect of one’s character, and it is crucial to incorporate ethical behavior into our lives as it is how people judge us. As a volunteer, I was responsible for showing respect towards the chairs, co-chairs, delegates, committee members, and support staff who were assisting us. It is essential to treat everyone equally and not differentiate based on who we are working with. I made sure to treat all members and support staff with respect as they were crucial to the success of the event. On the day of the event, I was assigned a specific venue and although I had the desire to visit other locations, I remained loyal to my duty and gave my best effort wherever I was assigned. Additionally, even though I had my phone, cash, and the freedom to move around, I followed the rules and maintained my integrity by not using my phone or spending the money until it was necessary. Although I was not officially part of the debate session, I made sure to uphold the decorum and assist in any way possible.


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