Joining The RHA NGO

RHA( robin hood army) is a volunteer-based NGO that works to get surplus food from restaurants and the community to serve the less fortunate. I am a volunteer at this organization and I have been participating in teaching underprivileged kids and serving them food on a weekly basis.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

I realised that the children were not comfortable with my first language ( english ) I had to communicate and teach them in Gujarati. It was difficult at first because I was not used to learning and teaching in Gujarati but with practice I learned a lot and was able to teach the children effectively.  This was a challenging task, but by finding ways to communicate effectively with the children, I developed new skills in communication and language teaching.

LO6 : Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

The slum area that I visited weekly, was facing poverty and lack of education. This is also an issue globally(sdg 1 no poverty, sdg 2 no hunger , sdg 4 quality education )   as there are many countries with low economy, which can result to people not having enough money to pay for food , schools etc.If children are not educated well , they fail in making positive changes to the society .  I realised that by distributing food and teaching kids was taking baby steps towards resolving this global issue. I also helped in distributing food to the children and this made me realise the value of food in my personal life. 

LO7:Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and action

some children were not ready to learn and were just trying to copy from the others and get their work done. this got frustrating and it bothered me indirectly as the children were not valuing the opportunity they were getting to learn and grow further . I tried my best to help them understand how important it was to be educated and why was it vital in their lives.



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