Global Odyssey

LO1: develops areas for personal growth:

Being part of the food group and helping organize the food for the event pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me develop my leadership skills. I had to take on new responsibilities and lead a team of people to make sure that everything was done on time and according to plan. Through this experience, I learned how to be more confident, assertive, and responsible, which are all valuable skills that will serve me well in the future.

LO2: undertaken challenges, learn new skills in the process:

As part of the food group, I had the opportunity to contribute to the event by providing a valuable service to others.  It was also rewarding to know that a percentage of the profits from the event would be donated to a charitable cause. However, when the demand for our food items increased, we had to increase the price to ensure that we were able to cover our costs. Through this experience, I learned how to be more service-oriented and how to work together with others to achieve a common goal while also adapting to changing circumstances.

LO3: Initiate and plan CAS plan:

We brainstormed ideas for the menu, purchased the necessary ingredients and equipment, and worked together to make sure everything was ready for the event. During the event, I helped serve the food and made sure everything was running smoothly.

LO5: recognize the benefit of working collaboratively:

During the planning and execution of the event, I had the opportunity to interact with a diverse group of people from different backgrounds. This allowed me to develop my social skills by learning how to communicate effectively with people who have different opinions and perspectives than my own. Through working with the food group, I learned how to listen actively, share my own thoughts and ideas, and collaborate with others to achieve a common goal.


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