Learning Basketball

Basketball has been intriguing to me since the lockdown period, so having the opportunity to play this game as part of my CAS experience was incredibly convenient and satisfying. I had the chance to hone my talents both individually and as a member of a team while playing basketball as a player in the sports complex that I learned and trained in. For some time now, our team has competed in a number of competitions and games while maintaining a rigorous training schedule. I was able to improve my physical fitness, teamwork, and communication abilities as a result.


LO1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

I was able to recognize my strengths and potential for improvement while playing basketball. I came to understand that my quick reflexes, agility, and teamwork are among my talents. But I also understood that there were still other things I needed to work on, like my dribbling and shooting precision. I was able to focus on developing my strengths and addressing my limitations after identifying these areas. I committed myself to working on my hand-eye coordination, shooting drills, and general physical fitness. I’ve learned through this experience the value of self-awareness and ongoing self-improvement in all different aspects of my life, not just basketball.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

There were quite a few challenges as we needed to win games, maintain good team morale, and also maintain fitness. However, with each game, I gained the ability to push myself outside my comfort zone, to persevere in the face of setbacks, and to enjoy the triumphs as a team. I am appreciative of this chance since it has helped me advance both as a player and as a person.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

The most demanding yet rewarding aspect of my time as a basketball player has been playing on the team. I had to drag myself out of bed after a long night of studying in order to participate in a strenuous practice session. Yet I persevered because of my dedication to the club and my love for the game. Whether it was during training or games, I pushed myself to perform to the best of my ability. My effort and focus eventually paid off as I developed my talents and became an important team member. Even on days when we lost, I saw it as a teaching moment and worked harder the next time. I’m grateful for the experience I’ve gained on the basketball court since my exposure to basketball has taught me the importance of discipline and perseverance.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

Working cooperatively with my basketball team has helped me understand the importance of communication and teamwork. Basketball is a team sport, so each player must cooperate to achieve a common objective. Through consistent practice and competition, both my teammates and I have developed a trusting and dependent relationship. In order to keep everyone informed and coordinated, we communicate often both on and off the court. We have been able to strengthen our relationships with one another while also developing our basketball talents through teamwork. It has taught us the value of cooperating with one another and pursuing a common goal both on and off the court.



[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WF9b03mTYxQ[/embedyt]

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