Hindi Bhasha Divas

Every year on September 14th, India celebrates Hindi Bhasha Divas, popularly referred to as Hindi Day. The fourth most spoken language in the world, Hindi, is promoted and honoured on this day.


Learning Outcome (LO) :

LO3: Initiate and plan a CAS experience

We as a team all were very passionate about promoting the Hindi Language and culture in our school. So we formed a team and started working for the Event where we planned things which could be interesting and also helpful in promoting the Language. We started brainstorming ideas for the type of activities we could keep such as hindi quiz , poetry competition but ended up in thinking of a game which would be interesting and also helpful in promoting the language and then went to our Hindi teacher for feedback and guidance. Teacher approved our game then I started working on making the chart for the game and started getting the lines printed on a4 sheets and pasted it on the chart paper then when we were ready with making chart papers , quizizz and more games to make it more interesting and helps in promoting the language.


LO5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

We all worked as a team and we all had different sets of skills and differentiated works as well. We all shared ideas with each other and help come up with better and more creative ideas, Dividing the work ensured us the workload was evenly distributed. Working on the Hindi Bhasha Divas project together made us realise that it was even more faster and efficient than they could do on their own. Moreover working together helped us to learn from each other. I made a game which was made on chart in which I made the game on chart with the help of my prior knowledge and some secondary research I was able to make a fun game.


LO6: Engagement with issues of global significance

The Hindi Language is at the verge of extinction , Everyone is shifting to English language because they look cool when they talk in english but the truth was that people are leaving their mother tongue language  behind and speaking english , I felt the importance of Hindi Language in a way of creative game.

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