FAREWELL 2023’ (CAS Project)

Farewell 2023.One of the most exciting and fun event this year.As grade 11 students we were given tasks to throw a farewell party to the batch of 2023 meaning the 12th graders .The farewell party was all about us and the school saying goodbye to these bunch of maniacs where we wish them luck for their future and also roast them with some fun filled chats .  As per my contribution in this event,I had the job to plan/choreograph  the whole dance parodies to a group of people in the volunteer list .On the day the main highlight of the performing sequence was the dances .

LO1-Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

The whole farewell journey was a rollercoaster,but some aspects were a plus point for me in the whole farewell journey .Firstly ,choreographing dances was one of them ,as I was targeting a group of dancers and non – dancers I had to plan the steps that way .There were multiple songs so we had to start the choreography a month before the d-day.Also my skills of editing songs helped me hear because there were multiple songs which had to be put into 3 parodies which would have been hard if i hadn’t had the experience of  editing songs .The area’s of growth I would say would be to organize my stuff beforehand as one of the major song was left to be taught which was then completed on the last prep day 

LO2-Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The whole farewell journey was about 2 months long and on the way there were various challenges .One of them being my football tournaments which were coming in between the final preparations day hence managing everything was really hard .But here my social skills and collaboration skills were developed  as other volunteers helped me by choreographing 1-2 dances which made my work comparatively easier .

LO3-Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

More than a challenge this event was one of those where we owe it to our seniors so there was a big wave of enthusiasm coming in when the talks about the event started .I knew what my tasks were and how to accomplish them .

LO4-Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

My commitment towards this event was up to the point as we had the challenge of throwing our seniors the best farewell ever and yes we did accomplish it . Even though doing tasks on the last prep day was one thing that occurred but till that day the whole team worked hard .Putting in efforts to come for early ins even when we have many submissions  and also motivating each other when the dance was not looking proper  coming in school timings so that we can complete our work.If were not focussed then the event would not have been nice .

LO5-Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Social skills and communication skills were a must in this event .Working with the whole team,getting their opinions and helping each other out in the times of absentees and all .Many times I had to take leaves because of my football matches but I got a lot of help from co-heads which took some burden off .We had to work as a unit as working together makes things much easier and quicker which helped the event work smoothly which resulted into the Farewell party being the best .

LO7-Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Being the leader for the whole dance performances it was my responsibility to choreograph the dances filled with funny and energetic moves ,so each action I took based on that I had to think based on the audience perspective as at last they are the ones to judge it .I had to understand what my choices and actions would lead to  hence each step was taken thinking with different perspectives and catering to different opinions .




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