Every year at FHS we have an event called Bal mela where SMC and village schools bring their students to FHS so that they can experience various different  activities from sports,arts,music,dance,etc .It is considered one of the biggest events of the year and is really significant for our school because of our school mottos and values and the major reason being that these kids also deserve some fun and playful moments which they can’t experience due to financial reasons or them not getting the proper facilities.I was given the task for the livestage where songs were played and we had to guide the kids by showing them some steps to vibe on these songs .

LO1-Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

My knowledge of freestyle dancing and different songs helped me here .We chose the songs solely based on hindi lyrics/the bollywood industry .We planned the steps on the spot which was a hard task and I believe that should have been done prior to the event so  the management would have been easy as many times we were confused what to do next .

LO2-Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

 There were different challenges tackled in this event .Such as targeting a younger audience was one of them which developed our decision making skills as we had to plan steps which were easy for them and steps from which they can have fun .

LO3-Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

As a part of service from the CAS experiences these events are the one which help us meet this category and contribute in solving world problems  or at least contributing in a good cause as such events would bring smiles on hundreds of kids and help them cherish their own childhood . 

LO4-Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

The emotional side of us took on here as if we were not committed towards the event. The livestage in the bal mela would have been a failure and the livestage in a bal mela event has to be the most energized place in the whole event .We had to stay energized in the whole event .I was not well that day still I continued and worked hard in the livestage .

LO5-Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

We were a team of 3 where we each had our expertise .On the songs in which I had my expertise I performed on that and same with the others .So teamwork was necessary hence working as A team was much better than working alone .

LO6-Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significanceConnecting this event with global issues.Millions of kids all around the world are not having the facilities to enjoy such things .They struggle so much due to the financial problems ,family problems and much more.Such events should happen so that these kids have the opportunity to cherish they childhood years .They should have a chance to fulfill their fun moments as childhood is a phase where you can have the best fun in your life.These events could helps us contribute into SDG goals such as quality education.


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