Alliance Club International NGO

This NGO is a unique organization where volunteers form a group within themselves and organize an event where they spend their time and donate to the people from old age homes, orphanages, etc. Everyone’s life revolves on learning, and it is our fundamental right to do so, whether it is through academics or athletics. I made the decision to use games and activities to teach underprivileged kids from various neighbourhoods in my city new things as part of my community service. I had a fantastic opportunity to offer my abilities and help underprivileged youngsters learn when I volunteered. It gave me a fantastic opportunity to develop my creativity by engaging in game-playing and teaching poor kids. Six programmes were part of the event, which was held every weekend for six weeks. Being among the pupils who were so enthusiastic about studying something they could only envision was a joy.


LO1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

It was tough for me to see that mentoring was my constraint. Since I had never thought to creatively educate others using my strengths. I made the decision to participate in activities where I thrive, coach students, and teach them games in order to strengthen my areas of weakness. I eventually realised that tutoring was something I had learnt from teaching kids at the event, and that it had helped me gain bravery through interacting with so many kids.

LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

While planning this experience, we decided to play activities such as fire in the mountain, ice and fire, ludo, snakes and ladders, etc. We tried to keep the kids excited and amused as much as possible to help keep their day up for that special day.

LO4:Show commitment and perseverance in their CAS experience.

Six sessions made up the event, and attendance was required to receive a certificate. Community service was a great opportunity for me to demonstrate my actions in a distinctive way and train the youngsters by giving them time, despite the fact that I had to manage my academics as well. Fortunately, I was able to enthusiastically participate in all six sessions without having to take time away from my schoolwork. I came to see that my commitment to volunteering in the community was motivated by my desire to impart new knowledge to poor kids.

LO5:Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

Community service required communication and collaboration skills when working in groups because the sport was studied by a lot of impoverished kids. Our group members were all actively participating in the assignment, but we had to demonstrate our ability to work together to divide the groups and complete it. The benefit of working together is that we can develop several strategies and exercises in a more engaging manner.

LO6:Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

Poverty is a major issue that needs to be paid attention to because poverty is a pervasive issue that affects people in both developing and developed countries. It is not just about lack of income but also about the lack of access to basic services such as healthcare, education, and clean water.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

Ethical choices and actions were considered when instructing underprivileged children because they aided in the complete development of those abilities. Teaching these underprivileged kids academics or extracurricular activities is completely moral. Due to the environment’s ethical component, there was no resource waste when coaching the sport. My choice to take part in community service was, in my opinion, a huge accomplishment and a source of joy for us.



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