Hindi Bhasha Divas

Hindi Bhasha Divas was held on 18 November 2022 and there were different stalls that were put on and I had also organised a stall. I made a group in which we had put on different games and quizzes on the stall. Hindi Bhasha divas is celebrated to celebrate its cultural significance and raise awareness of the importance of language.

  • LO1 Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth  and LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills
    I am proficient in Hindi speaking because it is my mother tongue and I am also very good in communication because we had to communicate in Hindi. However it was hard to manage the whole stall because we were attending a huge crowd. It was really hard to teach the students and teachers that how to play the games and students sometimes used to not listen to us and then we had used to explain them again.
  • LO3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience
    I gathered a team of students who were interested in promoting Hindi language and culture. We brainstormed various ideas and games that will be promoting language Hindi. We had decided different games that would help students and teachers to learn new things and in this we had to plan the whole CAS experience. We also designed different games like one of the game was match the following where we had to match the meanings of the Muhavre.
  • LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience
    In this I had showed perseverance and commitment to Hindi Bhasha Divas organised by FHS and in this commitment was important to this CAS experience because we had to make games and we had to attend all the students and teachers in 2 hours so that is why only we had made games of 30 seconds only that every student and teacher could participate.
  • LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.
    I had a team and in that we had assigned specific task for everyone like one was doing decoration, one was designing charts and I was designing games I had designed different types of games like Fact or Cap game, match the following and I had also helped to create a quiz online like this way everybody had equal work.

    Overall the Hindi Bhasha Divas celebration was a great success we were able to raise awareness about the importance of Hindi language and promote cultural diversity within our school community. We also learned a lot from the experience and gained valuable leadership and organisational skills this CAS experience was a truly enriching and memorable experience for all of us.


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