Global odyssey 3.0

I took part in the Global Odyssey activity that the BM and Eco teachers and students planned. In order to learn how a business runs in the real world, we students were given the chance to plan this event. I was a member of the accounts team, whose job it was to compute the income, profit, and loss of the other teams on the day of the event as well as to take out a certain proportion to contribute.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I decided to join the Accounts team because I felt good and secure about my fundamental math abilities. On the day of the event, a large number of people would visit the booths to purchase the goods supplied by the respective persons. We had to swiftly give exchange in order to thin the throng, which required quick calculations.

LO2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

One of the difficulties we encountered was the original requirement for the accounting team to develop a coupon system in order to prevent money theft. The last stage of the coupon system was all that was left, but it was cancelled, so we had to improvise, and it ended up working out nicely.

LO5 : Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

The whole preparation process—from setup to stall management to event execution—required teamwork because this was a student-led event. As a result of this event, my team and I were able to work together more effectively. We also distributed and balanced our work while having a great time. All of the kids’ contributions contributed to the event’s success in the end.

LO7: Recognise and consider the ethics and choices of actions

Business ethics are essential since failing to uphold them can have disastrous results. We were given explicit instructions not to steal money from other teams throughout the competition because it was their labour that had earned the money, and it would not be right to do so. A portion of the money made from the event was also given to a charity to aid those in need.

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