Global Odyssey 3.0 – CAS Project

Global Odyssey was concerned with the disciplines of economics and business management. On the day of the event, many stalls for food, fashion, photo booth, and fun were set up. The students demonstrated their classroom learning outside of the classroom, including principles such as profit maximization, pricing, demand, supply, marketing, and many more. There was a diverse crowd ranging from grade 7 to grade 12, as well as teachers.

The event was organized mostly by economics and business management students, with assistance from teachers. The event has several management divisions such as décor, accounts, food, fashion, social media, fun, music, and event planners in order to make the event a success.

I was chosen as the account’s leader for the event. After the event was publicized, the professors decided to give the Organization 5% of the entire money. As the accounting head, we must ensure that each stall contributes 5% of overall earnings to the Charity. Because many students were unwilling to provide 5% of their overall earnings to the Charity, they opted to report less money than they actually had.

I developed team management, communication skills, and critical thinking abilities in my global odyssey. This event requires us as a team to collaborate and organize for the event, such as team member arrangement and allocation. This event needed us to be excellent communicators, as we shared ideas for event setup, obtained permission from teachers, and so on.

While demonstrating this CAS project, I demonstrated the following LOs:

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.                                                                 Throughout my global odyssey, I faced several problems that required the development of new abilities. Initially, we planned that trade in the event would take place using a new Global Odyssey currency, GOPay coupons. Cash-coupon counters will be used by students to purchase coupons in return for cash. The coupon plan was scrapped a day before the event because there would be a large number of crowds and limited time for students to visit stalls and enjoy the event, and they would not be able to wait in line for coupons, which would disrupt the event’s decorum.

We just had a few hours to come up with a fresh proposal, as well as distribute and teach the team members. Numerous team members requested revisions, making changes based on their preferences while keeping in mind the teacher’s needs. It was quite difficult for us to organize things at the last minute.

LO-3 Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.                    It was really difficult to manage time with my hectic schedule. I was not normally a well-organized individual. It was difficult to get started on this CAS project. I was not a good organizer. But, after completing this project it will be easy to initiate any activity in the future.  Knowing how to launch and organize activities offers us a good understanding of the challenges we may encounter in the future.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.                                                                                       Working in a team is often difficult for me due to my poor communication abilities. This was the most challenging element of the entire procedure for me. But, for this occasion, it was crucial to collaborate; without communication and teamwork, the task would be futile. Teamwork was essential for the event. From the outset of the event, the whole staff, whether it was accounting, décor, food, fashion, or fun, gave their all, which contributed to the event’s success.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.                 From its inception, Global Odyssey has placed a strong emphasis on ethics, such as contributing 5% of profits to non-profit organizations and avoiding plastic waste by carrying your own dabbas. Throughout the process, numerous students approached us and stated that they would offer us commissions so that we would not take 5% of their overall money. Nonetheless, as a team, we chose to stick to the ethical part and be truthful about our roles and duties.

I created the learner profile qualities Thinker; using critical and creative thinking abilities to produce ethical and powerful judgments that are clear for team members and suited for teachers.

Finally, having and being a principle implies acting with honesty and integrity, having a strong sense of fairness and justice, and respecting everyone’s rights and dignity.

Overall, the event was a huge success, and we made ethical considerations and choices for the accounting portion of the event. Personally, I learned a lot of new things and gained new abilities. This event was a fascinating and engaging experience that pushed me on a new path.




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