Bela Mela

I volunteered at the Bal Mela 2023, which was held at Fountainhead School on January 25, 2023. We invited poor kids from more than 17 schools to this event where they could dance, play games in teams, and generally have fun. The children who attended had a great day because they rarely get to experience something like this. I was playing the frisbee-through-a-HULAHOOP game Threading the Needle there. All visitors to our venue received tutorials while I was holding the hula-hoop.


LO2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.                                                                                                      The Bal Mela required a lot of laborious work, and I had to overcome the language barrier. As not all children spoke the same language, we had to find an alternative approach. I demonstrated and provided the tutorial using my body rather than words, and Didi helped us communicate in their language. As I reside in a place where many people speak a variety of languages, this made me understand that I need to practice my language skills.

LO6- Engagement of Issues of Global Significance                                        The Bal Mela required a lot of laborious work, and I had to overcome the language barrier. As not all children spoke the same language, we had to find an alternative approach. I demonstrated and provided the tutorial using my body rather than words, and Didi helped us communicate in their language. As I reside in a place where many people speak a variety of languages, this made me understand that I need to practice my language skills.

LO7- Recognise and Consider the Ethics of Choices and Actions              It is a fundamental human right to have access to needs like food, shelter, medical care, and education, helping disadvantaged children is moral. Poverty-raised children frequently have to overcome enormous challenges that could harm their chances for the future, education, and physical and mental health. By helping poor kids, we not only keep our moral duty to protect everyone’s rights but also contribute to society’s advancement.

A sense of purpose and meaning in life can also come from helping less fortunate children. My empathy, sympathy, and understanding of other people’s hardships all grew as a result. When I was assisting others, I also felt a part of society and a sense of belonging.

I portrayed the event’s learner profile as kind, communicative, and open-minded. As this isn’t something the children at our school experience every day, I greeted them all with an open mind and made sure they had fun. I made sure that every one of the disadvantaged children had fun with me since I cared and felt empathy for them.


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