Designing my room

I have always desired the room of my choice ever since I was a kid. My parents just made the decision to redesign a new room for me, but I usually ended up procrastinating. I made the decision to create according to my needs and my dreams. Throughout this journey, I learned new sketching and interior design techniques. I wanted everything to meet my needs, from lighting to flooring. After extensive investigation, I made my final decisions and personalized my own room as per my ambitions. 

LO 1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.
I had excellent creative ideas and a strong capacity for thinking from a variety of perspectives but I lagged behind when it came to sketching. However, after completing this experience, I significantly improved my drawing skills, which also benefited me in my DT IA projects.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
The difficulties I faced included finding it difficult to make assumptions and finding it difficult to go forward without the assistance of a professional interior designer. To overcome these difficulties, I searched Pinterest and numerous architectural websites. I found a lot of concepts, but I had to search for the most feasible one. While the furniture was being created, I also had communication issues with the laborers. I made a number of mistakes, but this allowed me to learn new things and helped me make wiser decisions. Ultimately, all of this improved my ability to make decisions and think more creatively outside the box. 

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.
This experience required extensive planning since if something went wrong at work, there would be a major loss. I had to decide on all the designs, the materials needed, their pricing, and labor expenses while planning. Likewise, keeping in mind all of the crucial elements, including: area, color, texture, pattern, proportion, and, most importantly, budget limit. 

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.
Considering that it took more than 5 months to finish, the most crucial aspect of this experience was showing perseverance. I had to maintain my patience and commitment throughout; I had to contribute daily and keep track of the work that was completed. Monitoring was necessary since I had to make sure the laborers followed out the ideas I gave them. I examined the work twice a day because it was on the second floor of my bungalow (after coming from school and at night before the labors go).

LO 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.
One of my relatives works as an interior designer, so we collaborated to help me make better decisions while taking her suggestions into consideration. Additionally, I initially discussed my ideas with my family members and included their opinions as well. I now got better views and opinions on my thoughts as an outcome of asking from my family. 

LO 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.
As I processed and created the furniture for my room, I made an effort to be environmentally conscious and kept in mind the worldwide problems related to resource waste and excessive wood consumption. I also recycled the leftover wood from the old furniture, turned it into something new, and reduced resource waste.

LO 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.
I took care to utilize eco-friendly items and avoid wasting them. I placed my order for the necessary materials, ensuring that none were wasted. Also, I considered the room’s safety and modified my ideas appropriately.

In conclusion, this experience improved my communication, research, collaboration and drawing abilities. I explored many concepts and learned how to make better, wiser decisions.




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