Global Odyssey 3.0

I took part in the Global Odyssey event as a student volunteer on 23rd February. It was organized and carried out by BM & ECO students and teachers. It was intended to give students exposure to how businesses function in the real world. The event had various options offered to students for a stall, from fashion to fun also managing and executing the entire event.  My Friend and I made the choice to participate in the Fashion category of the event. Providing the audience with the Fashion accessories options to purchase which were outsourced by us.

LO-1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

The Skills with which I was good were communication skills which definitely helped me with the sales pitch to the customer and hence was able to sell most of the goods which we displayed for selling. Throughout this event, I got exposure of knowing different concepts of the Subject like marketing, then how to deal with customers with the cost of the product versus the cost of selling the products to maximize profits. 

LO-3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Before the event date, I and my friend started to brainstorm the product which we are going to sell at the event, this was difficult as we had strict criteria to find an optimal product in the criteria which were created by us and also we thought to sell something which was in demand. Nowadays teenagers like accessories in the fashion category so we went ahead with it and started searching for a retailer or person who can sell us the product with the criteria requirement made by us. And it took time and lots of effort to initiate and come up with the whole stall.

 LO-6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

The Global Odyssey event showcased our involvement with global challenges by being designed and adapted to the SDGs. We took action to promote responsible consumption and production, lessen waste, and highlight innovation and creativity because we understood the significance of sustainable development. Also, we made sure that the gathering encouraged ethical employment, enhanced economic growth, and developed durable infrastructure.

LO-7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

The priority of our business was to make sure that the work we do is completely ethical in terms of morality, reasonable, and fairness, and we made sure that all the customers had a great pleasure visiting and purchasing the product. And through this event, we got the opportunity to be responsible citizens to show help to people in need and we did that by donating 5 % of our revenue generated.

The Learner profile attributes which I demonstrated during the event were knowledgeable and principled. There were a lot of things that went into brainstorming the product which we sold at the event and the majority included LP attributes thinking and being knowledgeable.


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