
Today, I’m excited to share my experience working as an intern with the Jankalyan Multipurpose Education Organization, where I had the chance to raise money for underprivileged children’s education. I gained knowledge about the difficulties in finding donors and raising awareness of an organisation through this internship, and I was able to hone a number of skills connected to learning outcomes 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7.

To begin with, learning outcome 1 was all about developing new skills. I had to create a network of donors and create awareness-raising plans for the group throughout my internship. I had to improve my critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills for this. I had to use my imagination to come up with fresh approaches to connect with potential donors and persuade them to support the cause.

The learning outcome 2 was all about showing that I had taken on new tasks. As I had never before collected money and had no prior expertise in this industry, it was an entirely new experience for me. I have to push through my worries and trepidations in order to do better. To accomplish my objectives, I had to venture outside of my comfort zone and accept new difficulties.

Learning outcome number 4 underlined the value of demonstrating tenacity and dedication. I had to invest a lot of time and energy into my work while I was an intern. Even in the face of difficulties and barriers, I had to remain devoted to the cause and focused. I have to be tenacious in my pursuit of possible donations and persuade them to support the cause.

Learning objective number 6 emphasised practising global citizenship. I was able to help improve society through my work with the Jankalyan Multipurpose Education Society. I had the opportunity to improve the lives of kids who were less fortunate and didn’t have access to high-quality education. I gained knowledge about the significance of social responsibility and the part that each person can play in fostering a world that is more just and equal.

The final learning result, number 7, was about understanding and taking the ethics of my decisions and actions into consideration. Throughout my internship, I was required to make moral choices that benefited the organisation and its clients. I had to make sure that all donations were used wisely and that contributors received regular information on the organization’s development.

In conclusion, I must say that my internship with the Jankalyan Multipurpose Education Society was an exciting and fulfilling experience. I was able to acquire a number of abilities connected to learning objectives 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7 through my work. I became more aware of the difficulties in finding donations and raising awareness of a cause, and I developed a greater understanding of the significance of social duty and global citizenship. Overall, I feel that this experience has been a great asset to my professional and personal growth, and I am appreciative for the chance to have had a positive influence on the lives of underprivileged children.


Certificate (1)

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