Community Service


It is everyone’s inherent right to gain knowledge, whether it be in academics or athletics, because learning is essential to life. We must feel privileged enough to have open doors for both of these things.However,there are less fortunate children who do not get the opportunity to learn like we do.Our school has initiated a six-session community service programme to help these kids. All ages of disadvantaged kids were welcomed, and they had a choice of taking part in dance, football, frisbee, arts and crafts, and other activities. Each session consisted of 3 hours of learning time for them.It was a lot of fun to learn along and teach these kids who came to our school with such enthusiasm and zeal to participate in activities they are fond of . I decided to teach football as part of this community service programme.Though,I myself am not very good at this sport. These kids enjoyed spending quality time at our school alongside indulging themselves into the opportunity of learning a new sport.


LO2 -Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

Given that I’m still not very good at playing the sport, teaching it was one of the biggest hurdles.The second hardest part of the entire community service was communicating with them in their own language and attempting to get them to understand what we were trying to convey. However,effective communication was essential to the sessions’ success. While it was difficult to communicate with them, the idea that they engaged and enjoyed the activity demonstrated that the purpose of the community service had been fulfilled.Though,I had to take help from somebody in helping me convey my message to the kids.By talking to these kids, I was able to further my social abilities.Despite the fact that for them even small learning mattered greatly, I was not the finest instructor.


LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

Since teaching is not a very rapid process, especially for someone who is very new to teaching the sport herself, it requires time and patience. I had decided that I must commit to this experience. It took persistence to successfully teach them the sport because the process was relatively slow for the kids too as they had to grasp the learning with the time constraint of only 6 sessions. As previously mentioned, six sessions of community service were scheduled, with two sessions per week (on Saturday and Sunday) beginning on July 23 and concluding on August 7. It was compulsory for us to attend all the six sessions to receive the certificate. Despite other important things on my plate, I made sure and committed to going every session so I could witness their happiness as well.


LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.  

Several students, including me, volunteered to instruct those children in this programme. Together with my friends and those kids, I exhibited social and teamwork abilities during this encounter. Since we had to teach the children in pairs or groups, there was collaboration and interaction between the groups as well as with these kids. Due to the enormous number of students coming to learn with and from us, we had to divide them into smaller groups that were supervised by at least 1-2 volunteers in order for them to learn more efficiently. We worked well together, and the session was a success.I had no issue asking everyone to cooperate and take an equal share during the individual components like warm ups and drills.Because my friends and other classmates all got along well, I never felt the difficulty in fitting myself in for new sport for me as well. I also am a firm believer that we can learn more and express information more efficiently when we work in synergy.


LO6 – engagement with issues of global significance.

Like us,I believe that every child has a basic human right to both good health and well-being as well as to education. But because of poverty, this has expanded to be a major global problem. Through sports, like football, these kids can discover a way to live a happy and healthy life. By taking part in sports, they can gain knowledge about cooperation and the importance of health. They might learn and enhance their way of life through sports. . In this case, being able to understand the social issue of inequality allows me to contribute to the effectiveness during these sessions, strengthening the bond between us, as volunteers and these overly enthusiastic kids. 


LO7 – Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

It was morally right to teach disadvantaged kids because it had an impact on how they acquired essential skills. I believe that our decision to take part in the community service was a huge success and a source of satisfaction because it is ethically good to assist underprivileged children in flourishing in a variety of endeavors. Ethical culture for anyone,but especially these kids is an essential part of sports education. The rules of behavior in sports, notably football, were taught by us to these children. For justice and equality to be respected, sports ethics are essential. By taking into account the guidelines for teaching them, ethics was displayed. In order for these children to retain their moral standards while engaging in sports, children were also taught the spirit.

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