Mount Abu ( ACTIVITY)

Every year our school takes us students and teachers on an educational trip. After 2 years of this pandemic, our school took us to Mount Abu this time,Where multiple activities like trekking, caving, rappelling and mountain climbing were planned for us.The main idea behind such trips is to enjoy nature and get some life learning experience. I have always wanted to try physical activities like these and going on this educational trip gave me an opportunity to do so.

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

This was my first ever trekking experience alongside the other activities planned.I was quite excited to indulge into the activities to know more about my strengths and weaknesses in this area of my physical fitness. I realized that there were a few instances where trekking felt challenging to me but I was able to not give up due to the guidance that we had from the mentors that accompanied us to the trip.One of my strengths throughout the trek was my stamina, I did not really feel tired during the treks and covering long distance treks was not that difficult for me. However, one of my weaknesses was the lack of stability I have. It was difficult for me  to walk through the hilly and coarse terrain with stability, I lost my balance quite a lot of times.The mentors on the trip taught us a few tricks during the treks which helped me further my abilities in activities like caving and rock climbing.

LO2 -Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

The trip consisted of rigorous treks and completing them was itself a challenge for me. Learning how to place my steps to gain the maximum grip and safety for me was a challenge but guidance helped me through. However, the bigger challenge was caving and rock climbing on the natural formation of rock for the very first time. I was a little anxious to start with activity because one wrong step could have injured me.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

Energy, endurance, and most importantly, perseverance, were necessary for these exhaustingly long treks in Abu. During the longer trips, I had to learn how to conserve my energy, and while rock climbing, I also had to step outside of my comfort zone. Although it was exhausting to trek to the hill’s summit, the view was worth it. Being away from home also made me feel more accountable.

 LO5 –  Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

Collaboration skills was what was asked from us.This ability was the one that received the most attention throughout the entire trip. We need to go in a big group and make sure that everyone is safe. Because the teachers and the instructors couldn’t be everywhere, it was crucial that we looked out for one another. Living in communities within tents demonstrated the importance of adapting and embracing new situations. I developed social skills in every way conceivable, from encouraging my friends to finishing the trek together. 


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