Harmonizing Culture and Learning: My CAS Experience at the ‘Garba Fest

In the world of the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) are more than just letters; they represent an exciting journey of personal and academic growth. One of my most memorable CAS experiences took place during the annual ‘Garba Fest’ at my school. This event not only allowed me to immerse myself in the vibrant celebration of Navratri but also provided an opportunity to showcase the IB Learner Profile attributes that lie at the heart of our education.

Learner Profile Attribute 1: Identifying Strengths and Areas for Growth (LOR 1): As I donned my colorful Garba attire, I set out to embrace the Learner Profile attribute of identifying strengths and areas for growth. It started with self-assessment; recognizing my strengths as a dancer and my areas for improvement in mastering the intricate steps of Garba. However, my journey wasn’t solely about personal reflection. I also sought feedback from my peers and teachers to gain a well-rounded view of my performance. Their insights were invaluable, helping me to identify specific areas where I could grow and improve. Through this attribute, I was able to take charge of my own learning and development, fostering self-awareness and motivation.

Learner Profile Attribute 5: Demonstrating Skills and Benefits of Working Together (LOR 5): The heart of the ‘Garba Fest’ lies in the spirit of togetherness and collaboration. Garba is a team dance, and this event provided the perfect backdrop for showcasing the Learner Profile attribute of demonstrating skills and the benefits of working together. As I danced with my peers, we had to coordinate our movements, communicate effectively, and offer mutual support. It was a symphony of unity in diversity, much like the IB community itself. The success of our Garba performance exemplified the strength of teamwork, as we harmonized our unique abilities and worked towards a shared goal. My experience was even more meaningful because it emphasized the inclusivity of the event. With the support of a screen reader, we ensured that every participant, regardless of their abilities, was part of the collaborative dance, truly embodying the idea of ‘we’re better together.’

The ‘Garba Fest’ was more than a cultural celebration; it was a platform for personal growth and the exhibition of Learner Profile attributes. It reminded me that learning extends beyond the classroom and into the vibrant tapestry of cultural experiences. I’m proud to have been a part of an event that allowed me to identify my strengths, grow as a dancer, and demonstrate the power of teamwork. My CAS experience at the ‘Garba Fest’ perfectly encapsulated the essence of an IB education – where cultural celebrations, personal development, and the Learner Profile attributes come together in harmony. It’s a reminder that every experience is an opportunity for growth, learning, and celebration.

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