Beach cleaning

Few days back I was with my friends at Dumas beach where I noticed a lot of trash, bottles and packets were littered which were restricting us and the other people to enjoy the famous attraction. So my friend and I decided to take up the initiative to clean the Dumas beach every weekend for 3 weeks and I came to know that there was already a group named “SeaChange” who were hosting a beach clean drive in the month of February 2023 so that gave me the incentive and determination to clean the beach. 

LO4 : Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

I started picking up trash at the beach and cleaned different portions of the shoreline despite having the great distances I had to travel. By consistently turning up for the cleaning, I persisted and kept up my streak for three weekends.

LO5 : Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

It was not an easy task for one person to do so the whole group working together made it a lot easier. As there were many of us we decided our roles so that the process would be a little faster and easier. Doing this we made the most out of cleaning the beach by working collaboratively and maximizing our skills.

LO6 : Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

This issue is polluting and harming the marine life as well as the life on land. Some of the trash thrown out at the beach would end up in the sea which would be then consumed by the marine life hence having a bad impact on it. On the other hand, the trash on land would give displeasure and discomfort to people visiting the place affecting the local businesses.

LO7 : Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Working on this initiative allowed me to help the local businesses and society by keeping the shore clean and allowing the visitors to enjoy the location in peace and have fun with their friends and families. This also helped in keeping the marine safe from getting polluted by trash ending up in being a safe home for the marine life.

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