
Frisbee is a non-contact sport that involves a team of either 7 or 5 players on each side. This emerging sport is mixed-gender and gaining popularity amongst enthusiasts. The primary objective of this game is to score points in the opponent’s end zone by passing a ‘flying disc’. While holding the flying disc, the player is stationary but can pass it to their teammates by swinging their hands. A tournament was hosted on 2-3 October 2022, attracting numerous players from Surat, including myself.


LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

According to popular belief, individuals possess unique abilities that account for their strengths and weaknesses. Personally, some of my strengths include having a good speed and stamina, as well as possessing knowledge of the sport and its regulations. With a thorough understanding of the game and its intricacies, I am able to play according to the strategy devised by the team. On the other hand, some of my limitations are attributed to my short stature and minimal jumping abilities.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

Playing in a tournament as a team can present challenges when it comes to coordinating with other members. However, there are also benefits to playing with a team, such as getting to know each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and utilizing these to gain an advantage during the game. For example, if a team member possesses exceptional stamina, they can be utilized more frequently during play to either score or defend points, thereby improving the overall performance of the team.

LO5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

Effective communication and collaborative efforts are essential in achieving favorable results, regardless of the task at hand. This is particularly important in team sports such as frisbee, where clear communication among teammates during a match is critical. Without proper communication, there is a risk of misdirecting the flying disc, leading to unintended outcomes, which can have an adverse impact on the team’s overall performance.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

Since frisbee is a sport without referees, there can be disputes when a foul is called. In such situations, it is crucial to rely on ethical considerations to determine the proper course of action. This involves having a thorough understanding of the rules and regulations, and determining whether the foul was committed by you or your opponent, and whether it was justified or not.


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