Teacher’s Day performance

In 2022, during the celebration of Teacher’s Day, I joined a group of 11th and 12th grade students for a stage performance. As someone who has always been passionate about dancing, I was thrilled to have the chance to showcase my skills to our teachers.

LO1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth

Although I had the ability to pick up choreography quickly, my weakness was that I lacked the endurance and vitality necessary for dancing. I recognized this as an opportunity for personal improvement and worked on it by practicing the steps repeatedly and seeking feedback from my peers. Their input proved to be valuable and ultimately contributed to my improved performance.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Learning the dance within the given timeframe was the most difficult aspect of this process. I was tasked with learning two dances in just three hours, which were allotted to us at school. Despite the challenge, I used this opportunity to enhance my self-management skills by balancing my studies with the dance rehearsals. I practiced the steps during the sessions provided and at home, and through persistence, I was able to learn the dances within the given time frame.

LO5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

For our performance, we had to do a group dance that demanded collaboration, with each member performing the steps in unison to achieve a synchronized routine. Throughout this process, I honed my collaboration skills by contributing my ideas for song preference and choreography, while also being open to feedback from my peers to enhance my own performance. Our success relied on our ability to work together cohesively and provide the teachers with a polished performance.


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