Internship under a gynecologist

With a passion for biology, I have always harbored a desire to become a doctor, even though my family consists entirely of businessmen and I had no exposure to any scientific fields. To gain experience and insight into my chosen field, I undertook an internship at Nimayaa Hospital in Surat, which allowed me to explore the intricacies of my interests and their everyday functions.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

After undertaking the internship, I came to realize that becoming a doctor is not an easy feat, as it demands significant inner strength to witness surgeries firsthand. However, interacting with patients provided me with a newfound understanding of my abilities in effectively communicating with and addressing their concerns. This realization helped me to understand the demanding nature of pursuing a career in medicine and solidified my desire to explore this field further.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills.

Initially, I assumed that the healthcare sector would be relatively easy to navigate. However, as the course progressed, I quickly realized that meeting patient satisfaction demands a significant amount of effort and dedication. One of the primary challenges I faced was my limited prior knowledge of this sector. Nonetheless, by the end of the internship, I had overcome this obstacle and acquired new skills, even though it was difficult to understand the diverse range of issues experienced by patients. Overall, it proved to be a valuable experience.

LO4Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Throughout the duration of the internship, I remained fully focused and committed, recognizing that it represented a critical step in determining whether I wished to pursue a career in this field. As a result, I set aside specific blocks of time each week to ensure that I could complete the course with unwavering dedication.

LO7Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Ethics are of utmost importance to an interning doctor, as they are responsible for upholding the highest standards of professional conduct and ensuring that the well-being of patients is always their primary concern. Interning doctors must adhere to ethical principles and guidelines that govern their profession, including maintaining patient confidentiality, obtaining informed consent, and providing competent and compassionate care


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