Global Odyssey

This event was organised in February 2023 to help raise funds for donation while also promoting the use of business acumen, economics and business physiology among the students. For the event, different stalls (food, fun and games) were organised by students themselves. I, with five other students, organised a food stall wherein we had 3 food items at our stall. Out of which, our best seller was the choco-balls. 

LO4 (Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience)-

Through the event, I was able to demonstrate perseverance and commitment in my CAS experience by consistently contributing to the team’s efforts, even when faced with obstacles. One of the key learning outcomes of this event was the demonstration of perseverance and commitment in my CAS experience. Despite encountering numerous challenges and obstacles, I learned the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and working diligently towards our shared goals. This helped me develop a sense of personal resilience and determination, which I can apply to other areas of my life.

LO5 (Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively)-

Another crucial learning outcome was the demonstration of the skills and benefits of working collaboratively. I had to work closely with my team members, communicate effectively, and delegate tasks based on individual strengths. Through this, I learned how to work effectively with others, leveraging diverse perspectives, and building trust and rapport with team members. These skills are essential in any collaborative setting, be it academic, personal or professional.

LO6 (Engagement with issues of global significance)-

Finally, the event allowed me to engage with issues of global significance by promoting the importance of responsible business practices and supporting charitable causes. By participating in this event, I gained a deeper understanding of the importance of sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical business practices in promoting positive social change. This helped me connect my academic learning to real-world challenges and opportunities, enhancing my global awareness and empathy.


Overall, the “Global Odyssey” event was an enriching experience that taught me valuable lessons about perseverance, collaboration, and social responsibility. I believe these learning outcomes will continue to shape my personal and professional growth, enhancing my capacity to make a positive impact in the world.


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