Volunteering at Rotary International – NGO

Rotary International is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that advances peace, goodwill, and understanding around the world via their fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. During my volunteering of this experience, I had to help with the organization of important events and made sure that they went well. I also had the opportunity to go to a municipal school in the rural areas and teach the children there. Here, I also initiated some of my own ideas at the club and tried to bring in a youthful point of view. This experience also helped me interact and make contacts with a lot of significantly important people who help our society in numerous ways. 

LO3 (Initiate and plan a CAS experience)-

This service required me to plan, organize and coordinate important events. I helped organize and plan the ‘27th Human Milk Donation Camp’ in Surat. I had to help with the marketing of the event which required me to think of creative ways to attract more donors. I also had to help with deciding the venue and location for the event. I was incharge of the food that was provided to the donors. This required a lot of additional planning and time management from me, which I devoted to this service. Due to all the hard work and time I spent in this experience, it turned out to be a success and we got a lot of donors for the campaign. 

LO4 (Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience)-

I started volunteering at Rotary at the end of July and haven’t looked back since. This experience has been very time consuming and at times, really exhausting, but I wouldn’t give it up for anything. This service makes me feel like I am giving back to society. I feel strongly passionate about it and hence, I am punctual and regular when it comes to volunteering at Rotary. 

LO5 (Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively)-

During my experience, I had to collaboratively work with other volunteers of different ages, resulting in a free flowing event. I made sure to talk to everybody and understand their points of view before I made any decisions for any events. I also presented my opinions and ideas to other volunteers, in order to make the event a successful one. It was a little difficult for me to communicate with people at first, but gradually, I got the hang of it and could do it easily.

LO6 (Engagement with issues of global significance)-

Throughout this experience, I engaged with issues of global significance, such as the goals of quality education, no poverty and zero hunger. I made sure to combat and be considerate of this issue while performing my experience. I taught young children during this experience which helped with the growth of quality education in the world. I also educated people about the importance of education in our society for the development of the world on a global scale, which would also solve other major problems such as poverty. I helped with the milk donation campaign which promoted the SDG of zero hunger and encouraged people to donate as much as possible to children who do not have the privilege of drinking their mother’s milk.

LO7 (Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions)-

This experience made me recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions. I can say this because this experience involved the ethics of perseverance and determination. It also required me to demonstrate the ethics of teaching all the children correctly. Hence, before my teaching session, I had to make sure that I was well prepared and knew all the content. I also had to be devoted to this experience in order to get a fruitful experience and outcome. 

Evidence –


All in all, this experience taught me a lot: integrity, perseverance, determination, grit and most importantly, empathy. While volunteering at Rotary, I met many different people. Each person helped me learn and grow into a better person, for which, I am thankful. This experience also taught me how to manage and coordinate my own ideas and plans, while collaboratively working with others. I was also able to engage with many issues of global significance and contribute to the growth of society. I was able to recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions that I made throughout this experience. 


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