Global Odyssey Decor – Creativity

Once we assumed responsibility for the decoration of a significant event, our team set out on a global expedition. Although the work was challenging, we were aware that it would demonstrate our managerial and organisational abilities. We collaborated for weeks, meticulously preparing the event, and thinking of original themes that would set it apart. The event was a huge success, thus our efforts were successful. We were pleased to have used everything we had learned in our economics and business management lessons. We were in charge of handling the finances, planning the logistics, and making sure everything went without a hitch on the big day. The celebration of our labour was not the only purpose of the occasion; it also catered the 8, 9, and 12 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To make sure the event was a success, our crew put in a lot of diligent work and time. We gained knowledge about the value of cooperation, communication, and time management. We were pleased to have applied our abilities and knowledge, knowing that we had a beneficial influence on the neighbourhood and the environment. The learning outcomes that are catered in this experience are Lo3, LO4, LO5, LO6

LO 3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience:
We saw an opportunity to showcase our ATL skills—namely, organisation, socialisation, critical thinking, and communication—and as a team, we came up with the concept for the Global Odyssey event. We knew that organising a major event would be challenging for us and provide us the chance to grow. We established a timetable, clarified our responsibilities, and set SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals. We also made sure the event was in accordance with the CAS learning outcomes and the SDG

LO 4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in activities:
We put in a lot of effort over several weeks to plan and execute the Global Odyssey event successfully, showcasing our commitment to it. We gave the event our time, our knowledge, and our resources, showing that we were tenacious and determined to see it through to the conclusion. By remaining dedicated to our goals and keeping our focus, we are able to overcome logistical issues and budgetary constraints.

LO 5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively:
The success of the Global Odyssey event was primarily attributed to collaboration. We worked together to maximise our skills since we were aware of each other’s strengths and weaknesses. We communicated well while respecting one another’s ideas and viewpoints. We were aware of the benefits of working in a team, such as increased productivity, creativity, and learning opportunities. During this period, we were able to demonstrate a range of IB learner qualities, including open-mindedness while listening to others, good communication during ideation, and critical thinking to apply learnt material.

LO 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance:

The Global Odyssey event showcased our involvement with global issues by being developed and catered to the SDGs. We took action to encourage responsible consumption and production, reduce waste, and highlight innovation and creativity because we understood the significance of sustainable development. Also, we made sure that the gathering promoted ethical work, increased economic growth, and developed durable infrastructure. the eight, nine, and twelve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are catered to.

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