Garba Fest – Experience, Activity

The reason I chose this as part of my CAS experience is to improve my creativity and collaboration skills, to experience what it’s like to be a part of a dance festival, to help establish something that everyone wants to be a part of, and learn how to make decisions that work for everyone to accept and tolerate.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

On the first day of preparing for the event, I realised that communication was key; without expressing ideas and collaborating with all the other volunteers, it will not be possible to make things go smoothly; so I know I have to work hard to speak up and express myself in order to be heard, it’s an important life skill to learn.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience

Organising the event comes amid many other important tasks, including IB submissions, summative assessments, and university applications. It’s hard to keep giving to the event because there’s so much effort involved. However, I made it through perseverance. OC members skip lunch breaks and arrive early to run events to stay productive, show their dedication and persistence to the business.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Collaboration with OC members and all other volunteers was critical to the event’s success. This event would not have been possible without the efforts of this team. We had to work as a team because there was so much to deal with that one person couldn’t manage everything. To increase productivity, tasks are shared among members, where I am responsible for the music playlist, decoration and it was important to hang banners and create a beautiful and effective photo booth. Other volunteers are assigned tasks such as making sure food stalls are well organised, overseeing the venue, and more. We helped each other in our responsibilities through great cooperation. Everyone contributed thoughts and suggestions, and the event was a success as a result

I demonstrated key features of the learner profile during the event. I was a communicator because I shared my thoughts and worked with many people to help with the logistics of the event.I was receptive to listening and considering the opinions of other members. I tried to balance my studies and help with this event so that none of them would be compromised.

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