Global Odyssey 3.0- Service, Creativity

I participated in the Global Odyssey event on February 23rd as a student volunteer. Planned and run byBM & ECO students and teachers. Its purpose was to give students insight into how companies work in the real world. The event provided students with a variety of booth options, from fashion to fun, and managed and ran the entire event. A friend and I decided to attend an event in the “Fun” category. Give youraudience a chance to have fun while enjoying the entire event.

LO1:  Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I was able to  realise my strengths and weaknesses thanks to this activity. I discovered that I had  good communication and marketing skills, but I also learned how to attract consumers’ attention by marketing our basketball game. Aware of my weaknesses in communication skills, I was able to focus on improving them and planning for future accomplishments.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

Providing the consumers with fun games to play with was a difficult task.  Gaining the consumers attention was the most challenging part of this whole event so I made sure I kept on communicating with the audience so that they can take interest in our game as well to increase our revenue.

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

Initiating and planning for the global odyssey requires preparation and creativity. As a team, we decide to prepare fun games that can attract large numbers of customers. We brainstormed a list of fun games such as playstation, basketball games, football games and much more.

To organize ourselves we created a detailed plan that included a timeline, roles and responsibilities, and a budget. Every team member has a specific task to complete, like coming up with the necessary resources.

LO 4:  Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

This activity required a great deal of commitment and perseverance as we had to put in a lot of effort to prepare execute our game plan as well . We spent countless hours researching the prices of our games and the games we are going to make our audience play. We also had to coordinate with our team members to ensure that everyone was contributing equally and that we were meeting our sales targets. Despite few challenges, I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment in the work that we were doing. It was rewarding to see the positive feedback from our customers and to know that we were making a difference in the world by raising funds for a good cause.






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