Convocation 2023, (Creativity)

Our seniors say their last goodbyes during convocation. Being a respectable junior, I wanted to bid my seniors a farewell that was both formal and accurate. I was quite excited for the event because it was hosted in an auditorium apart from the school and the students council was required to wear traditional attire rather than the school uniform.

LO2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process:

During the convocation us team had to communicate with hundreds of other students and had to give them instructions all the time and maintain the discipline of the room. Not only students but their parents and our teachers as well. Me and my team were able to overcome this problem and manage people and also were able to pull out a successful event.

LO3 Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Our team had planned a lot of things for the parents and for the students such as making a video in which we were supposed to ask questions about their school life to both teachers and students and get some exciting response. To do so we had to come up with different questions to get different responses.

LO7 Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and action

through the CAS experience, I never intended to do the work because it was part of my CAS experience but out of respect and love for my seniors. As a sign of respect for them and to give a final goodbye to my friends, I took actions for the same by helping the school and my team to plan a convocation event for the batch of 2023.

LO4 – Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

Even though half way through the event me and my team’s work was done and had the choice to leave, me and some of our team members stayed back on our own free will just for the intent of helping the school faculty if needed and we committed to stay back till the end of the convocation so that we can finally say a well deserving goodbye to our seniors.

LO5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively.

me and my team were decided into groups of 3-4 members and were allocated specific number of people we needed to hand the convocation attire for the event. We had to mark the people we’ve given the outfit. Sometimes in my team I was the one ticking the boxes ahead of the people’s name and sometimes handing out the outfit to our seniors.

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