
Cycling is a form of exercise and transportation where a person rides a cycle from one place to another. It provides a good cardio workout and can help improve overall fitness and health.It is also used for sport, transportation or etc. The sport of cycling consists of professional and amateur races where the racers comes from different cities and takes part in these event. It is an environmentally friendly mode of transportation that reduces emissions and helps reduce traffic congestion in the city. It is also a fun or enjoyable activity that can be alone or also with the friends , and can be done on roads or else in park. It also helps in keeping us healthy and fit and also keeps us far from diseases. It also improves our stamina and strength. It prevents us from High-blood pressure , heart diseases and lung issues. By doing cycling , it decreases our stress levels and strengthened our bones.

Cycling is a low impact aerobic exercise that offers a wealth of benefits. It is also an wonderful workout that keeps us active everyday. It also prevent us from weight gain. I chose this activity because it helps us in keeping us fit and healthy in our routine.  By doing this everyday, it prevents me from gaining weight and prevent me from different diseases. Cycling even improves joint mobility and reduces amount of body fat and makes our muscles more strong.

Learning Outcomes:-

LO:1 Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

To identify own strengths and develop areas for growth , is you can consider several factors like physical abilities , technical skills and many more. When I started to do cycling everyday I was able to cycle only 10 km per day but after one month I begun  to cycle 15 km per day by doing practice everyday. And I was strengthening my legs and improved on my areas wherever I had weakness in this activity.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

The difficult part that has been undertaken, while developing new skill is to figure out that how much I am capable to do cycling and how I am performing in the process. As there were so many reason that in which area the traffic will less. But I had idea that wherever I am staying there is less traffic at night and public comes for walking , cycling and for many more things. And also that people drive cars more and harms our environment by pollution. But the cycle doesn’t harm the environment and is easy to take wherever we want. So, it good if people want to travel in near areas , then they can use cycle to travel. Cycle doesn’t pollute, it is greener and also healthier for us. Riding in group can be fun and social activity. And in Cyclothon, The challenges which I faced was how much should I keep gap between any other person’s cycle and many more. Riding in group can help us become more confident and skilled in group rides.

LO4:Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

The commitment and perseverance in order to achieve meaningful progress and growth was that I didn’t have to miss any day for cycling or don’t need to give up from the half-way. For this I required to have consistent training, achieving goal like this many kilometers ride or in this much time, and many more qualities. And by doing this things finally , I completed the Cyclothon in just 1 hour and the track was about 20 km. I also maintained the balance of this activity with my studies. And this was difficult to manage time , which made this activity more difficult. By consistently demonstrating commitment and perseverance in this activity, I did not only improve my skills but also achieved my goals.

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